Lead for E-Safety: Mrs. Katie Ford
We recognise that the Internet and other digital technologies provide a vast opportunity for children and young people to learn. The Internet and digital technologies allow all those involved in the education of children and young people to promote creativity, stimulate awareness and enhance learning.
As part of our commitment to learning and achievement we want to ensure that the Internet and other digital technologies are used to:
- Raise educational standards and promote pupil achievement.
- Develop the curriculum and make learning exciting and purposeful.
- Enable pupils to gain access to a wide span of knowledge in a way that ensures their safety and security.
- Enhance and enrich pupil's lives and understanding.
To enable this to happen we take a whole school approach to E-safety as promoted by the DfE document 2019 (updated 2023) ‘Teaching online safety in school’ which provides guidance supporting schools to teach their pupils how to stay safe online, within new and existing school subjects’ alongside advice and guidance from ‘Education for a connected world curriculum (UKCIS)’
We believe that there should be an equitable learning experience for all pupils using ICT technology. We recognise that ICT can allow pupils with special educational needs (SEN) increased access to the curriculum and other aspects related to learning.
We are committed to ensuring that all our pupils will be able to use existing, as well as up and coming technologies safely. We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, as well as their parents, are educated about the risks that exist so that they can take an active part in safeguarding children.
The nominated senior person for the implementation of the school’s e-Safety policy is Katie Ford supported by Bridget Bye, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).
Useful links for parents
Harby C of E Primary School Policies linked to E Safety