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Year 5 and 6

Welcome to Class 3


Year 5 and 6 are taught by Mrs. Ford on Monday, and Tuesday. Mrs. Marsden teaches Year 5 and 6 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Our classroom is also used for lunchtime as a dining hall and sometimes for assemblies.

Mrs. Ford is Maths, Music, Computing and PE Lead in school.  Mrs Marsden is the lead for English in school. 



Class 3 Top Tips, Reminders and Useful Links

  • PE is on Monday and Wednesday this year so make sure you have your School PE kit in school to get changed into before the lesson. Ensure that your kit is comfortable and appropriate for outdoor activities. A named bag with your PE kit in, and a jumper for colder days, can be kept on your peg. 
  • Please make sure you bring in your reading packet (with a book and reading record inside) every day.
  • We recommend at least 10 minutes reading every day. When your parents have listened to you read, please record this in the yellow reading record book.
  • We will listen to you read at least once a week, there is no set day for changing books, if you finish a book ask for help from an adult so you can get a new one.
  • Please make sure you have a water bottle with you every day.
  • At morning break, if you need a snack, bring in either fruit, vegetables, cheese or yoghurt which is clearly labelled.
  • We are using SeeSaw to share our learning with you and your parents.
  • Please ask your parents to use SeeSaw to share your homework or other home learning.
  • Please don't bring in toys or objects from home as they can get lost. If you have an object/item that you would like to tell the class about, please make a video of this at home and share via Seesaw so that we can show the class.
  • If parents have any problems using SeeSaw please let us know and we will do our best to help.