Teaching and Learning
General Teaching and Learning Guidance
This is a statement of the aims, principles and strategies for teaching and learning at Harby C of E Primary School. It lays the foundation for the whole curriculum, both formal and informal and forms the context in which all other policy statements should be read. Through this policy we aim to raise standards in teaching and improve children’s learning through a consistent approach agreed by all staff and governors.
Teaching and Learning
Teaching and learning is the core purpose of our school. It is the method through which we offer a curriculum, which is broad, balanced and differentiated and meets the needs of all pupils in today’s world, the requirements of the National Curriculum, the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, Religious Education and collective worship.
Aims of Teaching and Learning
- To raise standards of teaching and improve children’s learning and achievement
- To help to develop children’s cultural capital of knowledge, skills and behaviours for learning
- To inspire, enthuse, develop and support children to be the best that they can be with high aspirations for the future
- To have a consistent approach to teaching and learning in school
- To enable us to achieve the school aims
Expectations of Teaching and Learning
In order to achieve our aims for teaching and learning, teachers will:
- Have high but realistic expectations of the children.
- Provide a secure, caring and happy environment for all children.
- Plan and deliver a challenging stimulating and relevant curriculum based on the school’s policies and the individual needs of the children.
- Plan lessons with clear learning objectives, which will be shared with the children.
- Use teaching methods that take into account the social and academic needs of the children, the intended learning outcomes, the learning environment and the available resources.
- Organise routines and resources in ways that are meaningful to the children.
- Be aware of children’s developing competencies through formal and informal assessment.
- Organise children in groupings that are appropriate for the intended learning outcome.
- Recognise and praise achievement and positive behaviour.
- Be good role models, punctual, well prepared and organised.
- Maintain an up to date knowledge of the National Curriculum, EYFS and all statutory frameworks
- Display good knowledge of the subjects being taught.
- Work collaboratively with a shared philosophy and commonality of practice.
In order to achieve these aims for teaching and learning the children will:
- Be prepared to listen to adults in school and to one another.
- Understand and follow routines and the school Code of Conduct
- Work and share with others.
- Be prepared to take increasing responsibility for themselves their equipment and their work.
- Be tolerant and understanding, showing respect for rights, views and property
- Be punctual and ready to participate in lessons using a range of character strengths to support their learning
Strategies for Teaching and Learning
There will be a range and balance of teaching strategies according to the activity, age and ability of the children:
- Whole class
- Groups based on ability, friendship, mixed age and mixed ability
- Individual teaching
- Demonstration
- Instructional teaching
- Exploration
- Research
Excellence in effort, work produced, progress, confidence and so much more is celebrated through:
- Praise both verbal and written – marking and feedback
- Display
- Sharing work – in class and across the school
- Stickers
- Certificates
- Team points
- Dialogue with parents – use of SeeSaw
- Celebration Assembly
We hope that the above information is useful. If you have any questions please contact the school office and we will be happy to help. Please click on the following buttons below to see relevant linked areas.